Welcome to My Art Studio Sneak Peeks
These are shorty updates about my Studio and Art Life. Each capsule update is linked to a longer blog post so you can read more if you like. Inspiration sources, studio companions, travel notes and thoughts about dreams and goals are welcome here. Less algorithm, more reality. I hope you enjoy it
I am in the throes of designing and creating unique settings for my tiny ceramic, bronze and silver animal sculptures. I’m considering which metals and forms to use, trying to keep an eye of conserving materials to keep costs reasonable for most of these pieces. It would be very easy to get carried away especially as I see the setting as another opportunity to sculpt and create a world for the story behind each animal portrait.
I'm feeling a new series growing in my heart. Blurring the lines between sculpture and painting, using some of the most ancient media used by humans. I seek to evoke emotions and memories of strength and beauty. By turns tranquil or accelerating, deeply connected to the Earth and natural processes.