Collector Spotlight: Beloved Horse

It’s so exciting to be able to inspire the hearts of other people in their gift giving. What an honour to be able to provide a truly unique and wonderful message of care and love between two people.

The silver horse “coin” design shown here is my first bas relief style silver sculpture and has been the inspiration for more than one person’s gift giving journey.

Inspired by a photo I took of my own horse and the desire to keep him close to my heart always, I sculpted this piece to represent our special connection. Bonds between animals and humans are such a beautiful thing and ours is no exception.

I love having him close regardless of how many circumstances in my life prevent me from actually being present with him.

The gift givers who have ordered this piece have told me how much it meant for them to be able to offer the same sense of continual connection and celebration of love to their special person.

Kind Words…

“Just want to say how happy I was with the Horse pendant that you made for me.
It was a gift for a friend, she loved it,
Beautiful quality work and a great value
Thanks again
~ Will H”


Grizzly Bear Sculpture in Ceramics


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