A Post-Social-Media Art Practice


I’ve been wrestling with myself over how I use social media for a few years. Its taken me so long to figure out that I’ve found social media a distraction in my art practice.

The process of creating work is very vulnerable, for me at least. I find myself influenced by comments and reactions, no matter how kindly made. I think I’m in a place of my growth that requires a little more quiet, a little less exposure. So I want to really lean in here, in my Studio Stories.

This will be challenging of course, because, as we all know, social media is designed to be addictive and easy. An easy quick solution to creating community and having friendly chats about art and life. As lovely as that is, I'm needing to step away from the party for a while. I think I need an artist retreat ;)

If you want to follow along here I would be delighted to have you join me. I’ll try to send out a monthly email update. No pressure, just friendly and newsy.

I’d much prefer to have a real open house in my studio once a month (just imagine how fun it would be to share a tea and visit while we chat about creativity?) But that will have to wait till I have a studio outside my home - oh, I have plans!

Thanks for joining me here. I really appreciate you popping by.

If you want to get a monthly update then please Join Me HERE.

If you have questions or have a comment, please Email Me at Hello@reneefukumoto.com.


~ Ré

PS: here’s a post I made today on my Instagram account @reneefukumotostudio:

“Push and pull. Hide and reveal ~

the tension of being a Creative who sells their work.

You want to hide yourself away in your studio (or at the dining room table) and just MAKE from your heart and soul. And then you want to share that work with the world, with friends, with people who get it. But...this is your heart your sharing. Its tender and vulnerable to influence or criticism.

I'd rather have a studio into which I could welcome people a few at a time than feel I have to perform for an algorithm.

So I'm going to try and treat this space as a window into my Studio. I hope you enjoy and feel welcome here. 🥰

I may in fact become more active on my blog than here. Its quiet and intimate. Very personal. I hope you'll come see me there ❤”


30 Days of Simple Art


Whimsical Golden Retriever Dog Portrait