Red Pony Oil Painting Prints Available!

This oil painting captures the cinnamon warmth of this chestnut pony against the pearly subtle colours of winter snow drifts.

Red Pony In the Snow, prints of my original oil painting are now available.

Red Pony In the Snow, prints of my original oil painting are now available.

This little pony painting has been a favorite among my followers on social media. Of course, who can resist a winter-shaggy chestnut pony shining penny-bright against the gleaming opal snow?

Pony characters fill story books and tales of the childhoods of so many equestrians. By turns charming, delightful, stubborn and clever, ponies are part of the horse person’s psyche.

Did you ride a pony as a child?

Do you have fond memories and stories of adventure from your pony days? I’d love to hear them!

Tell me you pony stories!

~ Ré

You can order your own print of Red Pony in the Snow through my Print Shop HERE.

Or CLICK the IMAGE to hop over and see the variety of print styles on offer.

Remember to Join the Collectors Club HERE to stay in touch with the Studio.



“Unearthed" Horse Sculptures


Opening my Art Print Shop