I guess I'm still so exhausted from the last few years of frantic-feeling care giving as well as my own illness plus the long journey here to Kauai that my tiny energy stores (thimble sized now) are used up with the slightest effort.
We shop in Ross for shoes (since mine are literallyfalling apart on this trip, with flapping sole and actually causing discomfort)... I'm an overcooked noodle in 20 minutes. I head to the rental car to sit with open windows and reclined seat. The breeze plays through the vehicle, ruffling my hair and soothing my spirits. Sunshine is bright and life giving.
Imagine living here and taking all of the extraordinary beauty for granted?
I suppose if palm trees and vibrant flowers surround your every move then you could.
Some who live here leave for colder climes - for snow sports and vacations. I understand the desire for change.
I’m so grateful to be here, the place of my childhood dreams. I’d stay longer near the mountains and the ocean to paint and draw and sculpt if I could. Theres never enough time for me to do this it seems.