30 Days of Painting - Pursuing Exploration
I’ve spent a few days exploring some subjects, ideas and techniques that have interested me for a while and just haven’t made it to my easel.
Water soluble graphite has long been a favourite creative media. It’s convenient to carry in a bag, works dry and becomes a wonderful new thing when I use a water dipped brush.
I combined this media with a favourite subject - the twisting, intertwined roots of the ancient cedars on the cliffs at Rattlesnake Point Conservation area. I can never get enough of this area!
I can see how this emotive sketch will lead to painting a larger piece for my Soulful Wanderers series. I can’t wait to break out a new, large canvas!
Soft, dreamy and gentle. I wanted to explore a gentle, tonalist palette with a soft, imaginary landscape.
Pause a moment and wander this mist shrouded forest path with eyes and heart.
"A Gentle Pause"
8" x 10"
Oil on Canvas board
16 of 30
Following along the dreamy feel of the previous painting...
"A Gentle Journey"
8" x 10"
Oils on canvas board
Day 17 of 30
You can see all of the paintings gathered into a Gallery on my website, of you'd like. :)