Renée Fukumoto

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Dreams, Fears & Blessings

Dreams. As an artist I've grown slowly into my dreams.

Fears have held me back in so many ways. But its time to grow.

Growth cannot be denied for long  without consequences.

Time and more than time to kiss the fears and thank them for trying to protect me and turn my eyes to the horizon.

These small sculpted animal portraits, in polymer clay and silver, are my embodied dreams. My calling made tangible.

I'm so blessed to be called to this expression of love.

Since childhood I’ve wanted to walk the path of the sculptor. Fascinated with the sculpture reclaimed from the earth by intrepid archeologist that tell the tales of lost cultures, of epochs past, I’m yearned to sculpt lasting works of art that capture dreams, blessings and joys - the stories of my dear ones and passions.

Now, being able to offer these heirlooms to people who have a similar longing to reach through time to touch the hearts of their beloved is a dream come true.

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